Top 10 Places To Travel To Out of the Country For Digital Nomads

Today, people look for places to work out of the country and live a mobile lifestyle. Over 35 million are digital nomads, and more than a third are American citizens. Yet, traveling for work can be challenging if you don’t know where to look.

Others who choose international travel as a way of life give us excellent insights into traveling abroad as a digital nomad. Here are ten of the best locations many choose when traveling out of the country. Each destination is sure to fire your imagination, so keep reading.

1. Magnetic Island, Australia

People still get drawn to the idyllic beaches and the natural beauty of the Great Barrier Reef. But, not far away, there is an ideal spot for mixing work with the joys of island life. Twenty minutes by ferry off the coast of Townsville, a virtual paradise awaits the digital nomad looking to get away from city life. 

Yet, this remote location is home to 2,000 residents who provide reliable wifi and phone service in an atmosphere of island splendor. Select from several cafes, restaurants, and co-working spaces to work in relaxation. It won’t be long before the secret is out on this international travel getaway.

2. Indonesia

One of the best digital nomad communities resides in Bali, Indonesia. High-speed wifi cafes are abundant in a setting where self-development is as essential as working conditions. Getting a visa to settle in Bali is simple, and many traveling for work consider this place the perfect digital nomad environment. 

The Tribal Hostel gets noted for being the most modern of its kind anywhere. You will have no trouble getting a good night’s sleep in clean and safe conditions. In addition, the enormous co-working space provides all the power and connectivity a digital nomad could want.

3. Thailand

Thailand is an excellent alternative if traveling abroad on a tight budget. In addition, many novice digital nomad workers choose this location for the nearly perfect climate and spectacular landscapes.

Of course, Thailand earns the reputation for being a fabulous party spot for downtimes. Parties rage all over the city of Bangkok, and the food is inexpensive and delicious. Other cities in the North offer similar experiences in a safe and friendly atmosphere.

4. Tbilisi, Georgia

Traveling for work in Eastern Europe may not have been first on your list, but this spot will change your mind. The capital city of Tbilisi attracts the digital nomad with a comfortable lifestyle at an affordable price. 

The rest of Europe and the Middle East is at your doorstep, but there is enough cultural diversity here to keep anyone happy. Stay in Georgia for almost a year without a visa and pay only 1% tax if you operate a business.

5. Bulgaria

Another Baltic country remains a hidden gem for many who travel out of the country to work. Discover all the history and beauty of Eastern Europe without the expense of more famous cities. 

Sofia is a favorite landing spot for the digital nomad, but you can also find excellent wifi in mountaintop cafes. So hurry to Bulgaria if you look for a quieter place before others catch on to its charm.

6. Croatia

The digital nomad quickly learns that Croatia has much more to offer than the city of Dubrovnik. Challenging trails and ocean views delight the senses of those traveling to work and play. 

The tech community keeps growing in Zagreb, where many come to enjoy great food and cultural buildings. In addition, Croatia is one of the first out of the country to offer an official digital nomad visa. So you can imagine why the parties here are second to none.

7. Portugal

Western Europe’s jewel is often called the Bali of Europe, and for a good reason. With near-perfect weather all year round, fabulous food, and enticing wines and ports, it’s hard to go wrong in Portugal. 

Lisbon remains the hotspot for many traveling abroad. It’s difficult not to bump into a digital nomad wherever you go in the city. Porto is popular with students, but Portugal has caught on to the digital nomad buzz. Madeira Island is developing a village designed for the digital nomad.

8. Mexico

Traveling out of the country doesn’t need to take you far from Home. Sun and fun are right on your doorstep with an established digital nomad community. Enjoy authentic Mexican cuisine and tequila without breaking the bank.

Don’t worry about annoying tourists while traveling to work in Mexico. You can escape to several secluded locations where the wifi is excellent, and the atmosphere is quieter. In addition, besides six-month visas, Mexico allows you to apply for temporary residency, which lasts up to four years.

9. Colombia

You can forget about many of the horrific stories regarding crime in Columbia. Instead, the South American paradise has reinvented itself as a digital nomad destination. The people, the food, and cheap living make a perfect combination for traveling abroad to work and play. 

Medellin ranks at the top for the best digital nomad lifestyle worldwide. You will find plenty of people who speak English, and the climate is hot. Yet, many are also finding digital nomad communities in nearby Ecuador, so a trip out of the country is worth exploring.

10. Travel Out of the Country at Home

Traveling for work is the perfect way to indulge the urge if you haven’t explored your own backyard. So enjoy life as a digital nomad in a campervan and make your adventure on the road. 

Living on the road has challenges, but the freedom to move at will is an excellent alternative to international travel. Developed countries provide the infrastructure to use your vehicle as a home and a workspace. Meanwhile, you can discover digital nomad communities almost everywhere you travel.

Thrive in the Out of the Country Experience

The new economy has made many people want to wander out of the country for work and an improved lifestyle. Several locations have developed digital nomad communities for people to feel safe when traveling for work. Other places attract international travel with enticing lifestyles and inexpensive accommodations.

You know you can change whatever digital nomad life you choose at a moment’s notice. So explore all the possibilities traveling abroad offers. And keep visiting our blog to learn about emerging destinations for traveling out of the country.


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