Restaurant Recommendations for Mexico City

When we travel, we are looking for unique experiences. But, sometimes, we are looking for good experiences that, perhaps, others have already vetted.

In a new city, I like to wander and explore neighborhoods. I enjoyed stopping in a Paris restaurant, unsure what to expect.

In London, a friend and I had lunch at a Russian restaurant and simply told the waiter we knew nothing about Russian food, so just bring us anything. Thant ‘non-decision’ was the best decision we could have made.

But, there are also times when we want to “know” we are in for something good, something special. This can be difficult when you are traveling. You’re not familiar with the city or perhaps even the cuisine. So, it is good to hear from others who do know.

So, if you’re going to Mexico, Chef Pati Jinich shares her picks for places to dine in Mexico City. The article in Departure is also a nice background story on Pati, so you get a good read and, if you visit Mexico City, good food as well.


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